Are you familiar with the Domino effect?

The Domino Effect =  a cumulative effect produced when one event initiates a succession of similar events.

It’s when one thing or person creates an effect that spreads and begins a series of similar outcomes.

My family enjoys playing the Mexican Train domino game that has you match up ends that are the same until someone runs out of dominos.  You can match your dominos on other’s trains or begin a “wild” train anyone can build on.

Do you ever feel like you are trying to match up a train in your own life?  Like you are trying to find pieces that match and go together so you can move forward?

I cut out a quote to put on my vision board that is centered around our Bloom membership that says, “That’s the other thing I’m learning about flourish – it’s a domino effect.  When you see someone living out loud, all around the room, rules break.  No one needs the permission, but they feel it – they can flourish too.”

Notice what it says …

You can give a domino effect in the lives of those around you when you flourish! 

When you thrive, those around you thrive.

Powerful stuff.

How do you feel when you think about living out loud?  Or making a difference that causes others to live out loud?

Does it make you nervous, uncomfortable, or energized?

Maybe that’s why I sometimes don’t hold back, maybe I should, but I definitely err on the side of living loud and bold then keeping quiet.  It’s keeping it in balance and giving time to think before I speak that I need to work on.

I would dare to say that we as women as a whole are not bold enough, more than too bold.

We have all kinds of reasons like:

  • I am not experienced enough
  • I don’t have the education
  • I am not old enough
  • I’m too old
  • They’ll think I’m crazy

Thing is we all start from right here.  Today.  

We bring all our experiences, live events, and our passion and purpose and move forward from today.

Today is the same starting point for each one of us for tomorrow.

When we get clear on who we want to be, the dreams we have, and where we want to go, then we start to live it out loud. 

The why to our what gives us the confidence to take the bold steps we weren’t sure on before.

And … it will help you to say no to what no longer is helping you but is giving you the cluttered and overwhelmed feelings.

When other women see you flourishing, the rules break.  

I often told my kids when they were younger, “If you need some confidence, borrow mine for you until you get enough of your own.”

That’s the domino effect.

When you flourish, they don’t need to ask, they see the potential too.

That’s why motivational speakers are so powerful.

That’s why biographies are my favourite type of book to read.

The domino effect.

So if you want to make a difference in the lives of those around you … flourish.

The dominos will lean in, rules will break, and women will begin to thrive and grow.

I promise.