Does the gap from your here to there seem too big?

Too big to even attempt?

When you dream big, does it seem overwhelming and maybe just a bit too unrealistic to get to the end?

I hear you.  I’ve been there too.

That’s the thing with dreaming big …

We naturally dream safe, and in a way we can imagine.

But when we stretch ourselves, and dream big and bold, our imaginations get bigger.

Years ago I set a goal of running a full marathon, the San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon to be exact.  I don’t know what I was thinking.

I couldn’t even picture it, and doubted if I could, but set it as a goal anyway.  I shared my dream with a friend, still not believing I could do it, but she believed in me. In fact she thought we should set a goal of running 10km in two months.  I told her she was crazy, there was no way I could do that! 

Our first run together was just 4 km long.

A short two months later we finished my first half marathon! 

Did you notice that?  Not only did I finish 10km, but I finished a half marathon, which is 21km! 

You see, I started off dreaming too small.  She kept me dreaming big.

What dreams do you have that are too small?  Where can you create a bigger gap between your here, and right now, and your there?  

The gap … that’s the thing. 

That’s the thing that makes the in-between too large.  That creates the fear of falling down in the middle, or needing to stretch beyond your abilities.

When the gap feels too big we slow down, start with the language and excuses that hold us back, and probably eventually either give up or stop the action forward.

Just like I told my running friend, you are probably saying to yourself, “you’re crazy!  The gap is too big.”

So how do you close a gap that seems too big?

Honestly, one literal step at a time.  

Picture a suspension bridge that is made up of wooden or metal slabs and cables.

When you approach the entry to the bridge it looks far away … as far away as the 42kms of the full marathon did to me.  I couldn’t picture it, I didn’t feel strong enough, and doubted my perseverance.

It probably also seems too insecure – a little like we feel …  wobbly and sways too much.  Will the cables  even hold?

Reality is that the only way to get from one side of the bridge to the next, is one step, slab, or rung, at a time.

It is literally the only way.  

We can’t jump from one side to the next.

We can’t slide along, because one side goes down, and one side angles up.

We can’t run the marathon without the work up and training.

The gap? 

It’s crucial.  It means you are stretching, growing, learning, and that you have big and bold dreams.

Without the dreams we settle.

Where are you settling? 

Is there a dream you have that seems too far away and the gap is just too big?

You know what?  You are made for more than settling.  You are designed for more.

First thing to do? Tell a friend about your fear of the gap and your goal of the other side of the bridge.  Just like I did.

Then borrow her belief in you until you have enough belief in yourself and start moving.

Keep on that bridge and working through the gaps.  Keep stepping forward one slab at a time.

When you get there and look back, you’ll be amazed and you’ll know you were capable and called all along.

You are not too young, too old, or too inexperienced.  You are in the perfect spot to start.

Then … find the next gap, the next big dream, and keep moving forward.

The movement will build the confidence.  I promise.  I felt it crossing the finish line of the San Diego marathon and I know you will feel it too.

If you are looking for bridges to cross and gaps to close, but unsure of what that looks like or you, you’ll want to check out our Bloom membership.  It is a mentorship program that gives you weekly content to help you find the bridge and close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.  The cart for Bloom will close on March 31 and then we help the members hold the rope and cross the bridge to thrive and flourish forward.  You can secure your spot and check out Bloom membership here.