You knew your purpose, who needed you, what you wanted to accomplish, and what the plan was.

Now you’re just not so sure.

In the flash of a few years, the changes can seem overwhelming.

For my friend it was the question of retirement and leaving a career of 34 years.

For me it was the loss of daily noise and being needed in a different way.

For many it can be the the feeling of not knowing what the next years will look like.

Somehow the decision to begin life stages when you are younger seems easier than deciding when they should change, slow down, or even stop.

What is it that gives you a feeling of fear or overwhelm as you look forward?

As I work with women to lead their life and be their best, the most common thing they express as lacking is their self confidence.

They are unsure, often more unsure than they have ever been.

What is next, and what will it look like?

I have found five fears that seem to keep rearing their heads with women in their fifties, or close to it.

Will I have purpose? Maybe you felt like you knew your purpose before but with recent changes you aren’t so sure anymore. What is it moving forward that would make you feel like you are making a difference in your world?

It’s too quiet! Are you missing the sounds of people coming in and out of the house, laughter, requests for help with errands or social times, or maybe the loss of someone dear.

Too many changes. This is a time of changes. A shift in job focus or career change, maybe even retirement. A move or downsizing. A change in time commitments, or maybe even health concerns of parents or friends.

Will it last? All the changes can make you feel like nothing is staying the same. Will the next change be for long or you will need to shift again too soon? You question stability and changes may leave you feeling more on edge than you are used to.

Will it be enough? With a change in commitments and demands, you may be feeling like you are not needed as you have been. Are you enough to bring about the dreams and goals you have desired but haven’t reached yet. Maybe you question if they were too big and you shouldn’t have been so optimistic.

The fears are real, and they sure do feel real.

One of the most beautiful things to see as I coach women is when they discover they have just as much purpose and value now then they ever have … they just needed to discover and design it again.

What if, what if, you knew that where you are right now if more important and impactful than ever before?

Your today is your new tomorrow and your purpose is the same. It is unique to you and only for you.

It may involve different tasks, different people, different focus, and different time commitments, but your unique purpose is still for you.

What it looks like may change, but you were still made on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose.

This is the time to pause and invest in the time to gain the clarity of who you want to be and where you want to go, and you’ll begin to build the confidence to get there.

The clarity comes before the confidence, and the momentum builds it.

Your people still need you, it just looks different.

If you need some noise, make some, and discover new ways to live, love and serve with discovery, redesign, and intention.

Find a woman who wants to discover with you. My guess? She already sees your unique purpose and believes in you.

I am here to help if you want to discover your very best you!