Did you feel like you had all the time in the world?

You could wait a little on some decisions because you thought there was no rush.

Now in the blink of an eye you seem to be running out of time.

We tend to approach life as if we will live to be 150 and put off the things that we want to do.

I’ve watched it far too often.

Friends who were in the middle of building their dream house when one passed away suddenly.

Those who have a specific plan for their life and want to have things in place before they take the next step, only to find out it doesn’t always go as planned.

I experienced it with my own Dad.  Williams coffee shop was one of our places.  We would meet for coffee and he would use the napkin that came with his muffin to show me his plan.  As a naturally gifted salesman he would write down how many cars he was going to sell and for how many years, summing it up with what he would do with my Mom in retirement. 

You see, he loved what he did.  And he was really really good at it, so it was easy to keep going.

Big plans, big dreams, not enough time.

When you feel like you have so much going on, and not enough time left to do it in, then you know something needs to change.

It’s time for a new plan.

Have you ever taken the time to get clear on what it is that you want to make sure you do?  Looked at the legacy you want to leave, the difference you want to make?

How often do you say, “someday I want to …”, but you have no idea when that some day is?

If you feel like time is running out, but you have so many things you want to do, you just might be stuck.

When you’re stuck you know you don’t want to stay where you are, but you don’t move. 

Often you don’t move because you aren’t really sure either where you want to go, or how you will get there.

Ever wonder how you got here? 

If you feel like you have too much going on and not enough time you have:

  • Said yes too many times without saying no. At some point we need to let something go to bring in something new.
  • Lacked clarity on what matters the most to you.
  • Drifted far from your why and what is behind where you want to go.
  • Believed too many stories about why you shouldn’t, or why you don’t deserve it, or what it would take.

The great thing is that you are here right now reading this, and it’s not too late.

If you are feeling stuck, and you’re not sure how to move let’s chat.  You were made with far too much purpose to stay where you are.