Good, not Great

Cue the music … anyone else find great motivation and inspiration through music?

I have always been very impacted by words and tunes, often going right back in time to a specific memory when a song comes on.

I think it is my visual side.  Just the same as when I can actually picture something someone says … which can cause some trouble when people are using those descriptive expressive phrases.  You’ll know, because you’ll hear me saying, “no, stop saying that, I can picture it!”.  

Back to the topic …

I was reminded this week of one of my favourite lines from a great country music song – 

Now we keep saying that we’re OK
But I don’t want to settle for good not great
I miss the way that it felt back then
I wanna feel that way again

That phrase really stuck out to me and it keeps coming back in my life coaching as it truly is how I want to live.  I don’t want to settle for good not great.  I want to go for the great.

In my parenting.

In my marriage.

With my relationships.

In my business.

These lines could be used for all kinds of scenarios.  Of course, it is referring to a romantic relationship in the song, but think of all the ways we can use it in our lives.

We become complacent in our lives and stay where it is comfortable.

We are happy in our relationship and stop trying to pour into it or make it better than it is.

We are fine with our job and stay at status quo, because why tip the boat?

We keep allowing something that is not acceptable but we don’t want to stir the pot.

We have a routine in our lives that is predicable, and we like it that way.

There are so many areas in our lives where we just become ok with it and think, “this is good.”

My passion for life coaching is to help you be more.

Because we were made for more.  We were made for great.

We were made to live our full potential, using what we have been given to the best of our ability.

That doesn’t always sit well with people.

You’ll know the people that struggle with this, because they usually are annoyed with people who want to aim for great.  

Funny thing is, if they are struggling with someone who wants to go for great, then they aren’t as content as they say they are.

In all my years of coaching I see women who settle, who stop striving, who are ok with good.  That is where my passion comes from … to say, “no, you’ve been given so much more that you aren’t even using!”.  

Hear me on this – there are times in our lives where we focus so clearly on where we are because it is a time that takes all of our focus.  There are times when we need to be careful about striving because it really is all about others, and not being who we were made to be.

Young moms.

Caring for elderly parents.

A season of illness.

The focus is whether or not you are happy with good. 

Remember the story of the ducks that were so happy playing in the puddles, totally oblivious to the beautiful lake they could be swimming in that was just over the ridge beside the puddle?

Ask yourself:

Is there a dream or goal you have been thinking about for years but never acted on?

Do you hold yourself back from something because you keep saying it’s not the right time? (you’ve probably been saying if for way beyond the time …)

Are you afraid you will look selfish to others if you go for it?

Do you fear what the change will bring about?

I felt that fear.

I have settled for good.

But I have also felt the difference in going for great.  

Honestly, it comes down to living the absolute best version of me out of gratitude for what I have been given.

That is my motivation. 

Because I don’t want to some day say, “I wished I had have stepped out and tried to …” or “I wonder what would have happened if I had of …”.

You can fill in the words.

Sometimes going for great is working on ourselves.

Sometimes it is having the courage to step out and go for the job you have felt was perfect for you and matched your passion and talents better.

Sometimes it is loving better, bolder, and more radically.

Sometimes it standing up for ourselves and telling someone it is not ok to treat you that way.

Sometimes it is writing that book that has been in your heart for so many years.

What is it to you?

What would it look like for you to go for great?

How can you go for great and not settle for just good?