Ever wonder “what if?”

What if you tried?

What if you tried, and it didn’t work?

What if you changed the course of where you are heading?

What if you made the brave phone call?

What if you had the conversation?

What if you acted “as if” in your biggest dream?

What if you dreamed at all?

I believe that most of all fall short right here.  Right at the point of “what if”.  

We don’t take the time to imagine and to break down how one step can lead to another, and whether to take just one small step at all.

The language we use with ourselves can make every difference.

The difference between “I can’t” and “How can I?” is the difference between responding as a victim and responding as a leader.

The difference between the two is the question “how”.

Instead of asking ourselves how, we stop because we think we can’t.

What is something that seems too big for you?  Now ask yourself, “how?”.

How can take a step towards it?

Think about a dream you may have that you put on the back burner, or something that means the world to you, but you just don’t know how to get there.

For me, that is writing a book.  I have thought of some names for my book, and have the dream of helping others through hard times I have walked through and learned from.  I just haven’t actually started the writing. 

Next week.  Next month.  Maybe next year.

But, what if?

What if I started writing? What if the words all came together? 

What if the book had a cover? 

What if the book got published? 

What if one person read it and it changed how they journeyed through their own hard time? 

Would it be worth it?

Let me ask you again, what is your big dream?

What if you took one tiny step towards it, and it worked?  What if it led to the next step, and that also worked?

What if your dream came true?  

Who would it help?

How would it make you feel?

I think we too often stop ourselves on the very first step, because we simply can’t imagine taking all the steps.

I can’t promise you that your steps will take you exactly where you want to go.

But I can promise you that if you don’t take the first step, you will never get to the next one.

You have to start to reach the end.  When we focus on the end before we see the start, we tend to freeze.

So, what if you were to realize the big dream?

Would it be worth the next step?

Today, write down the first step.  Just the first “how’ that you can do.  

Honestly?  We can only do one step at a time anyway, so focus on the one, then the next, and then the next.

Before you can believe it you will be further along then you ever imagined!