Did you realize that it takes repeating something over 50 times before it becomes consistent … before it is natural?  They actually say it takes 66 repeats to for an action to become automatic (they as in Google …)

How do you feel when you read that?

When I read it?  I feel encouraged and motivated, because I can choose to become skilled at things that are important to me.

Do it over 66 times and then it becomes second nature.

It is also true that you don’t have to wait until you are “her” before you act as “her”.  Think of who you want to be, 

The impact you want to leave.

The person you want to show up as every day.

Do you realize that you can show up today as the woman you want to be?

Maybe you’re not sure what “she” would look like … you are still looking for some clarity on what your best you actually is.

One of the best ways to discover some clarity is to pick a word for your year.

A word that represents your priorities and the actions you would love to be intentional on taking.  

A word that speaks into changes you want to make, growth you want to make, and purpose you want to use behind choices and actions in your year.

Even better, take it a step further and add it to a vision board that you will look at every day.

Do it 365 times, instead of only 66!

I have been choosing a word for the past 10 years and it has had an incredible impact on the focus and direction I have in my year.  It will do the same for you.

It will give you the framework of the decisions you need to make and the things you say yes to.

It helps you filter what you need to let go of to keep what is most important.

It reminds you of who that woman is that you want to be, and in the moment you can choose to be her.

It’s so easy to wait and think that we need to have “arrived” before we can “act” when in reality the opposite is true.  We won’t arrive until we act.  We won’t ever be who we want to be until we start taking steps, as tiny as they may be, towards her.

What is your word for this year?

Who do you want to be and how do you want to show up and lean in to your life in 2023?

My word this year is “Bloom”.   It is the focus I want in my business with my coaching membership titled Bloom, and it represents how I want to show up in my personal and professional life.  I want to blossom, to take what I know and stretch myself.  I want to use intentional confident action and be bold and brave. I want to go beyond what is easy and reassuring.  I want to live and love outside of my comfort box.  

I am working on an acronym still that covers areas I want to bloom in.  I have Blossom (how I want to grow), Overcome (move beyond things that try to hold me back), and Learning (read and keep learning things that will equip me to help my clients, and continue on with my MBA).  I will keep at it and continue to assess, reassess, and design.

How do you want to live this year?

What would some areas be that you want to change, grow in, or conquer?

Choose a word and an acronym if you like, and then act on it more than 66 times.  Look at it for 365 days.  Write it down when you journal.  Put it as your screensaver.  

Keep it visible and choose to lean in and be that woman this year.

It will change your year, one day at a time.