Do you ever notice that things seem to happen in clusters?

You’ll hear about something and all of a sudden you see it everywhere.  Like a new car … you begin see it everywhere and wonder why you never noticed it before.  Did everyone just run out and the buy the same car you did?

Or maybe you heard about something new, something you hadn’t heard of before and now you are hearing about it everywhere!  So many people you know are talking about it now.

It’s one of the ways I know empty nesters have a hard time knowing what they should do after the kids leave the nest.  It’s a theme.  The word empty is such a perfect description to how they feel.

And it’s how I know women in their fifties are looking for simplicity and clarity on what is next.

It’s a theme.

Lately I am noticing books on next steps, finding purpose, having a plan for your life, and discovering who you are.

This year has brought with it a new theme.

Every one of my friends has been dealing with it, some more than others.

Grief and legacy.

Having to say good-bye and being more aware than ever before that you leave a legacy behind.

I had to say good-bye to my Dad this year with a week’s notice, and most of my closest friends have as well. In fact one of our couple friends asked to get together and remember our Dads … we had realized that each one of the four of us had said good-bye to our Dads in a year’s time.

Yesterday I was at yet another unexpected funeral.   This time it was a Grandma legacy that had me thinking.

As some of her 24 grandchildren and 4 of her children spoke about the impact she left, I thought about the impact I want to have, and leave.

Does a goodbye leave you thinking about your legacy and impact you will have on others?

This is a time where there is grief, and a time where I see the difference in how a life is lived out.

During the funeral I heard about how intentional this dear Grandma was, right down to the little things.

Remembering important events in the lives of others.

Remembering and celebrating what was important to them.

Being available. (her kitchen couch was talked about as a treasured spot)

Listening more than talking, but talking when it was encouraging, helpful and impactful.

Always letting others know you love them.

Using actions, not just words.

Intentional pursuit.

If you think of someone you have had to say goodbye to, what is it about that person you miss and how has that changed your life?

How do you want to change your life moving forward to make a difference for someone else.?

How about this question … What do you want said about you at your funeral? 

I am a fairly new Grandma and yesterday’s funeral had me thinking. Whatever time I have I know I want to be interested, be available, be a listener, and be their biggest fan.

Don’t you think that if I am that way with my grandchildren that it will spill over into the other areas of my life?

It can’t help but not.

So grief yes, because we miss them.

And legacy yes, because they made a difference.

And pursuit.  Such a great word.

We pursue what we desire to have, or to be.

When you are super clear on why it matters … why it is important to you … then you go after it.

Pursue the legacy and live your life in a way that will leave the legacy and impact you want to leave.

One moment of pursuit at a time.

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