What words do you use with yourself?
Do you know that you hold incredible power in the words you use?
Yup, you do, but that is not all that you hold.
You hold the power behind your words, but you also get to choose which words you use.
Sounds great, and easy, but how easily do you naturally fall into negative words and stories in your life?
I am guessing quite often, and most of the time you probably don’t even realize you are doing it.
Just this week I heard a friend quickly dismiss a compliment with a comparison to someone else … and I don’t think she even knew she was doing it until we commented on it.
How are you at taking compliments?
Do you believe them?
When you think of trying something new do you use words of confidence, or words of doubt?
Here are 3 things to remember about the power of your words:
The words we use hold power. There is a scientific and emotional connection between the words we use and how we act. I know there is all kinds of scientific language I could use to prove it, but trust me, it is powerful. Have you ever noticed that even when someone you don’t respect says something that you don’t believe, it can have a negative response from you? The amazing thing is that we can change our mindset by changing the words. That is why affirmation statements are so powerful … because we are affirming what is true, and reframing what we had previously chosen to believe. Remember the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? Not true – words can be much more mentally, and physically, damaging than sticks and stones ever will. The reality is that the language we use is often the hardest we hear, and often the most damaging.
- We don’t have to believe them. It’s true. We don’t have to believe something just because we have heard it, or thought it. This one is the game changer. I am sure you are skimming by on this one, but please don’t. My friend, if you realized the power of re-thinking what you hear and think, you will change your life. TSN turning point. When you stop, pause, and re-think or re-frame a thought or something you heard you give yourself the ability to believe it or not. That alone is powerful. It sounds easy, but it’s not. We are creatures of habit and we start the habit of believing everything we think early on. Is there something a friend, or bully, said to you when you were in the early grades that, without realizing it, believed and acted upon into adulthood? It is truly amazing the things we will believe without hesitation if we don’t give time and practice to making sure they are accurate first. And if you are not worth it is one of those phrase, then let me help you out and tell you 100% it is not true! You do not have to believe that just because you think it, and you can reframe and shift it.
- You get to choose the words. Ok, read that again. Then write it down somewhere where you can see it daily. You may hear all the words, but you get to choose the words you use. The words you believe, and the words you use with yourself. The power is your choice. That is why it is so important to recognize truth and words that are said from someone else’s pain and hurt. So often what is said to us is so much more about the other person than us, yet I bet you believe them as quickly as I can. Even then, I bet the words you use with yourself are harder and have more doubt attached to them than anything anyone else says to you. I know there are exceptions to that, but usually our words are the hardest we hear. You get to choose the words you believe, or even that you will believe. You can set your intention and put practice into making sure you choose the words that will help you show up as your best self. For you, fo those you love, and for others. You get to choose.
Not long ago I surveyed my clients of many ages, stages of life, and careers. Would you be surprised to know that every one of them expressed a desire to change the language they used with themselves?
The words you use hold incredible power and they can either help you to live fearlessly, knowing that you can get through anything one step at a time, or they can paralyze you and hold you back.
One of my favourite affirmation statements that I use every morning is, “I can and I will”. Simple and true.
I can.
and I will.
What words do you use? Are they words that help you understand that you have a unique purpose or are they words that tell you to stay where you are because you can’t move forward the way you dream of.
Watch and listen this week to the words you use, write down the ones you want to change, and reframe your words to show up as your very best self.
Use the power of the words you use to make the difference you have been dreaming about.