Do you realize that in all your past, present, and future plans there is one constant?

One thing that you bring with you, you have, and you will have.

In all our changes over the past few years this one has never changed.

It is still there.

It’s you.

Yup, you.  No matter what you are doing, or where you want to go, you are there.

I believe that is why it can seem so emotional and overwhelming to decide what next steps to take … because it is actually more about you than the steps.

It’s more about who you are becoming that the steps you take.

And that makes it feel so much more personal.

That’s why we hesitate.

That’s why we use limiting language.

That’s why we make excuses and put things off.

When it’s about us we often don’t give it the small value.

But what if we shifted it into the why of who we want to become?

I want to be a woman who loves radically with grace. 

Why is that?  

My why is the impact that I want to leave in how I want to love.

I want to be a successful business woman.  It is who I want to be.

My why is so I can help women in their fifties discover that this time right now is more important and impactful than any time before.

Because now takes you into next.

To help you peek around the corner and discover that your next steps start where you are.

It doesn’t matter where  you have come from, you are here now.

As you change, you are the constant.

As you look and wonder what is next for you, you are the constant.

Who do you want to be?

And why?

Those two questions are wrapped together with an elastic.

They bend and push on each other and one doesn’t stand well on it’s own.

The constant?  You.

The reason for your next? Your why.

Those two together build the purpose behind the passion and create the momentum you desire.

Need help discovering and designing who you want to be?  I would love to help.