What is your first response when you hear the phrase “fearless living”?




Did you know that fearless living actually has nothing to do with lack of fear?

True story … living fearlessly involves fear!

The powerful part is that when you are living fearlessly you have the confidence that you have what you need to walk through the fear.

When you first think of fear you may think of big adventures that involve heights or speed.  

But fearless living doesn’t always involve risk.    Sometimes the most courageous things you can do are found in the everyday.  

It is about who you are, not what you do.

It is about living with clarity and confidence.  The assurance that you are capable and confident enough for the next step, because you know the why and purpose.

It is the courage to try something new.

It is learning a  new skill.

It is stepping outside of your comfort zone to do something, because it is the right thing to do, not because you are comfortable with it.

It is being vulnerable when you know it will help others.

One of the most fearless women I know are young Moms, who show up every day in everything ordinary and make it extraordinary simply by being.

I read a biography recently of a family of four that climbed Mt. Everest together, and I have been intrigued ever since of the drive and interest for a three month journey to summit the highest peak in the world.  They knew the risk and were willing to take it to reach their goal.  

Fearless?  Absolutely!

But so is registering for your MBA after being out of school for 20 years.

Getting up with a sick child when you have had barely any sleep … but you put them first in the moment.

Caring for a husband with Alzheimers in a time that you thought would be sweet retirement.

Learning new technology skills to build your business.

Stepping back and allowing your newly graduated children find their way.

Changing your plans in life when you thought you had it set and secure.

Setting new boundaries in relationships.

To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” ― Taylor Swift

Fearless People:

  • Are kind, not nice.  Their kindness allows them to celebrate others as well as celebrating their own personal achievements.  Niceness usually has more to do with people pleasing or control.
  • They can ask for help.  Fearless people don’t mind asking for help when they know it will get them closer to their goal.  They recognize other’s skills and don’t mind allowing them to help them learn and grow.
  • They are willing to try something new, even though it is completely outside of their comfort zone.  They would rather try and learn then miss the opportunity.
  • Fearless people can see the big picture and are willing to take the baby steps in the “now” that will get them to the end goal.
  • They can laugh at themselves.  They recognize that every makes mistakes and truthfully, that others don’t think about them as much as people think.  The risk is worth looking silly for a time.
  • They embrace life.  They can realize that a moment may never come again and they seize the opportunity to learn and love on others. 

What can you be fearless about?  

How can you seize your day today?